Betta Fish

Betta facts and tips and origin

Betta Fish originate from Asia. And are called siamese fighting fish, known for being highly territorial and agressive towards newcomers to the tank which is why its only one betta per a tank, If you want more than one then you will need seprate tanks thats blocked so they won't see each other and will not stress each other out.

Types Of Betta Fish, and the do's and don't

As george elliot saysAnimals are such agreeable friends, They ask no questions, and pass no criticisums

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Betta fish comes in many different colors. From multi- colored betta fish to single colored fish and ranges in diffrent sizes from the regular betta to the giant and king betta rangeing from 3 to 7 inches in length and from my own experence with my halfmoon king betta, betta fish are smarter then your regular pet fish and can be taught many tricks and can be entertaned with toys but even though its tempting mirrors are not ideal as it can cause the male betta fish to flare and eventally stress it out which can be a bad thing for your betta if done too much.

Another thing that is bad for your new betta fish is plastic plants, even though you may think that the type of plant does not matter, betta fins of very delecate and the plastic can break their fins easily. As they like to hide and play inside of it, if you don't like real plants for the aquariam than buying soft thread and silk plants is the best option then the plastic aquatium plants if you are unsure if the plant is right for a betta fish then buying specialty made plants from the petstore or online made for betta fish is also a good option for you.

For betta toys and plants and tips and how to teach them tricks to help you click on this link best betta toys, decorations, tricks, and tips